Sweet Shadow

Shout Outs

Shout out to friends or enemys..you know who you are cough*Joe*cough...not yeti joe

Mark- I love you so much baby! We had so may great times already, like Connor's party, except for Austin!!  Also at your party when we playing manhunt and we hid in the car ;). I am looking foward to alot more good times with you. I love you so so much! And Dennis is still fat lol.
Theresa-Thanks for saving me from rape,from that creepy tall guy at the concert.DAVE'S ASS!!!You made me a Manporn book yay! I feel loved. It sucks that you couldn't get a tatto but you'll get it..hopefully. CHICKEN NUGGETS!YOU HAVE 5 TATTOOS OMG! ANDY IS HOT! I'm a sexy latino!
Nicole-I'm not walking pnemonia!
Shorty-I Hate you :)
Lil Kev-AMERICA! Kevin it was so cool to start talking to you this year and I'm glad we became good friends. It all started when you found the pink playschool scooter near the dumpster outside. Then we went around the track. It was so fun. And our adventures 5th period to find the arthritis! Thank you so much for holding my hand an letting me cry on you at the assembly and always being there for me when I needed someone to talk to. I hope we will see eachother next year in bocies but i know you will keep in touch. I'm looking foward to hanging out with you and Susan one day. Oh and when we snuck uptown and I got inschool, it was amazing. Well I love you Kev and all yor crack songs!
Jen-Why does brain look diffrent??..hmmmm HE HAS NO BEARD! You Violated Kenny's Man boobs OH DEAR GOD! Why did you let the Black man touch your boobs?lol! You where my 1st friend when I moved here....Yeah thats the mushy stuff lol.You are so confused....poor child. But you are getting unconfused.:) The gnomes!!My god! They are going to kill us all!!Your poor car..that bastard truck hit it *tear*!
Kevin- Haha! My desert rose! It was cool coming to the movies with me shorty, justine, and Mark. You are so funny and I hope when my dad moves we can stay in touch! Lets play moses again!
Bethanie-There ain't nothing wrong with floating pigs!THE TOAST!Evil Cream filling..FLOATING BOXES YAY! MOONGOSIES!! You are part of my DOOM TOWN! Staff yay for Beathie!FREEDOM FRIES!We are making Nny with Clay yay! You can have the almighty Steve. LONG LIVE SPOOKY!
Jan- You are a rebel sheep that says moo! Your such a silly gnome that is good on the guitar.
Austin- You were in my science class! With evil Mr.Stolz. He's such an evil cocaine addict.  The bitches love the fuzzyness! And you have the swinging messigha! JESUS! You are so sexy! lol. LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN! HAHA I AM AN EXPERT IN THE EARTH SCINCE!! LOL You rolled on a bee and it felt like peaches!
Katrina- It was cool going to the concert with you...lol COPS!!!WE ARE IN WATERBURY!!lol. Awwwww Nikki sprayed Lysol in your eyes..that was mean but funny. You are the keeper of the Purple Kangaroo.
Al- YOU HIT ME IN THE FACE WITH WARM PAPER! Your a Dragon! You can breathe smoke through your big nose! You destroyed The Almighty Wayne! Oh NO! You made him Toby the gay Pirate! And you put Fabreeze on my folder! AND I DON'T HAVE A FETUS!You don't smoke..you tax.I have the sand crab in my wallet. It wants the pearl.YOU ARE THE ALMIGHTY CTEVE! It's Chow....Chow Mein...and Chow..Chow's pipe.
Todd-It sucks that you are in Satin Island now. Well we will still be good freinds for a long time and I miss you!
Taylor-Tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink. lol. You are such a crazy kid and we have been friends for a long time. You asshole! you are going to get me shot one day or you are gonna get hit by a vcar, you make me run so much. But I still love you.
Sam.L-The doors are not automatic...you punch Anthony in the face....right.I'm not running through the woods!YOU ARE MANTHER!!Tapa Tapa Tapa!HAHA! you tripped over the box tap danceing.
Sam.S-COMPUTERS ARE PURE EVIL!! Haha MAN PORN! RINGU!HIROSHI!! HIROSHI NOOOO!! WHY!!!?? The sandwich omg!We can now play hours and hours of THPS4!!
Erika-Grasp the flower of friendship.Yes, tis a spiffy lamp. Davey Havok is hot! You have Yoohoo everyday and you share it...what a kind loveing  person. I LOVE YOU ERIKA!!My Wittle baby Ewryka!
Catie-OMG!!!I Can't belive my bro broke up w/you. oh well you guys are still cool...plus you have me!Haha Anthony is a Homo. Lars IA AMAZING AT DRUMS!!! You + Connor = LOVE!
Nicole.R-I didn't fall off the chair
Vito-Yeah we had an on and off friendship for a while but hopefully things will be cool from now on.
Sylvia-you always have mountian dew...Llama.
Jeannie-I love granola
Brian-Haha...fuzzy slippers. HOUSE OF 1,000 CORPSES IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!
Kim-CARLEM!!You are the maker of the bus passes.
Connor-MY SON! I know I haven't been a good mommy latley but I'll try to get a job and actually get us not rotting food. THATS MY BABY!! KILL THEM FOR TAKING AWAY 6TH FREE! OR MOMMA IS GONNA KILL SOMEONE! You are with Cate! I'm so proud of you. Your party was so amazing and I'm glad that we are friends. MOMMA LOVES YOU!
Cullen-  Thanks for letting me borrow your hat and thanks for being really sweet and givien me ciggs. I know you know what you did was wrong, you are still my friend but I'm so dissapointed with your actions.
Alvin-You patted my head. YOU'RE BACK YAY!!!I MISSED YOU!!And don't turn off the lights when me and tony are at the movies again!Also we can NEVER go back in the car w/Jen!
Alicia- Hey! Lol...you fell up the stairs...thats ok, I still love ya! I WANT SOME CONDUMS!! WHY CAN'T WE GET CONDUMS! I WANT TO GET FUCKED SOOO BAD!lol..that was funny! Lifestyles..not Trojan Man.
Froggy- The bag..it dissapeared..you saw it!! WHY!?!? THE RAPE CORNER!I still have your soul..and you know what I want for you to get it back!He he! Talking b4 5th period is so fun! You looking for ass grooves on the beach.. ASSHOLE! LOL! You'r so funny.

Look I have friends!!

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